9th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival

18 dezembro 2024

Call for application for the 9th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival was published: SUBMIT HERE

The film submission deadline is 15th of January 2025.

The Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival primarily aims at drawing attention to the work of cinematographers, one of the most important co-creators of a film, together with giving an opportunity to young artists to show their art. Students of cinematography/film directing and young cinematographers/directors can also submit their new feature films, short films and experimental films which were completed after 1st of January 2023.
You can find more information about the application, as well as about our Submission policy and the Application form itself on the link above.
The festival will take place in Szeged, Hungary (where Vilmos Zsigmond was born), between 27-31 of May 2025.

For more information on our previous festivals, please visit

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Associação de Imagem cinema-televisão Portuguesa

Fundada em 2 de junho de 1998
Pela Arte e Técnica Cinematográfica


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