Andreas Fischer-Hansen foi presidente da federação IMAGO entre 2004 e 2008 e o nosso presidente Tony Costa foi na mesma época o seu vice-presidente. Ambos pegaram na Federação num momento extremamente delicado financeiramente e num período de 4 anos conseguiram salvar a federação da bancarrota. Com uma dívida efetiva da ordem dos 150 mil euros ambos e com o secretariado do norueguês Paul René Roestad dirigiram os destinos da federação passando depois a presidência para o britânico Nigel Walters BSC. Durante esse período estabeleceu-se uma forte amizade entre os três realizando dezenas de viagens e de iniciativas para repor as finanças em dia. Andreas faleceu há poucos dias com problemas de saúde. Tony Costa esteve na cerimónia fúnebre há poucos dias na Dinamarca prestando homenagem em representação da nossa associação. Mais reportagem aqui neste link na associação sueca FSF
O discurso de Tony Costa durante a cerimónia.
There was no way that I couldn’t personally and on behalf of AIP not be here today to pay my respects to my good friend Andreas. There are special people that come across our lives, and they leave a strong mark. Yes, Andreas had a strong impact in my life. He impressed me with his genuine humanism. He marked me for the values which he guided in his own life. He, with his sweet melancholy, delicate education, could build a good teamwork. To make decisions, in extraordinarily difficult moments such as those in which we worked together in IMAGO with Paul Rene Roestad. IMAGO was saved thanks to his sweet determination and methodology. Throughout this period of intense correspondence and countless trips and meetings Andreas revealed himself to be a person of principles and values that impressed me. He taught me how to participate in associations with no interest and most of all with the spirit of justice and equality. Andreas was an unbelievable human being. Despite not having close contact in these recent years our friendship remained strong. Andreas must remain as the most relevant president that IMAGO ever had. He was the president with his entire soul and spirit. We can’t give back or thank him as much as of his dedication to cinematography and to cinematographers given to IMAGO Me personally and on behalf of the Portuguese Society of Cinematographers we like to pay tribute and respect for this great friend, colleague and human being. It will be deeply missed. He leaves us with a great legacy. His spirit of mission, kindness and a great human being, these will remain as examples amongst us. every day, every day.