Philippe Ros estará por Lisboa por convite da Universidade Lusófona para dar
uma palestra sobre a sua experiência no documentário da Disney «Oceans» de
2009. O projeto exigiu quase 4 anos e trabalho ininterrupto com filmagens por
todos os oceanos do planeta.
A palestra terá lugar na Universidade Lusófona no dia 31 outubro pelas 14h no
auditório Q.
Philippe Ros, Cinematographer, AFC (French Association of Cinematographers)
Digital Imaging Supervisor - Consultant - Instructor
Co-chair of the Technical Committee of Imago (International Federation of
Honorary Member of the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC).
Philippe Ros is a graduate of the French National Film School Louis Lumiere.
He specialized in hand-held camera and ergonomics issues and is fully
acquainted with digital shooting systems and related post-production
workflows. He has spent a third of his last 25 years in color grading suites and
post-production research departments.
It was an American production that gave him the chance to start his
professional career as a cinematographer on the ‘’Yellow Jersey’’ - working in
cinemascope, from a motorcycle during the Tour de France and using two 35
mm cameras customized by Joe Dunton MBE, BSC in London.
One of his films, “Oceans“ (2010), directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques
Cluzaud, involved a production lasting six years, including 345 weeks of shoot
spread over 3 years and a half, with seven teams. Ros worked as digital imaging
director. As cinematographer, Ros ensured the quality of all the underwater
night-time sections of the film and also those under a microscope specially
redesigned and customised under his instruction.
For a year and a half, he was Digital Imaging Supervisor on “Home”, a
documentary shot exclusively from helicopters and directed by Yann Arthus-
Since 2003, he has given numerous courses, lectures and workshops around the
world. Philippe launched two workshops. In 2016: the “CWC” (Camera,
Workfkow & Creativity) workshop. Designed for cinematographers, DIT’s and
colorists, the first session was held in Copenhagen. The second workshop: the
“Creative Triangle” is designed to improve the relationship between directors,
actors and cinematographers/editors. Next edition will take place in Italy at the
end of 2024.
He recently worked as an adviser for a major TV series production to review the
workflow and overall lighting design.
René Heuzey e Philippe Ros em "Oceans", 2009