Obrigado Dick Pope BSC

25 outubro 2024

Partilhamos convosco a notícia avançada pela British Society of Cinematographers sobre a partida de Dick Pope BSC, um exemplo e uma referência para quem segue a carreira de diretor de fotografia. Link para o IMDB para quem não tem a memória do seu percurso.

Os nossos sentimentos.

Parágrafo partilhado no instagram da BSC (@bscine)

It is with deepest sadness that we learn of the passing of our friend, Dick Pope BSC.
Dick was an extraordinarily cinematographer whose work spanned Motion Pictures, Television and Documentary.
Starting work on World In Action he quickly moved to television earning acclaim and a BAFTA nomination for Porterhouse Blue. He is perhaps most well known for his collaboration with Mike Leigh on films such as Naked, Secrets & Lies, Topsy-Turvey, Vera Drake and of course Mr. Turner, which he won him the societies highest honour - Cinematography in a Feature Film.
Pope was twice nominated for the Oscar for Best Cinematography and won the @camerimage.festival Golden Frog a record three times.
Dick had a reputation for being a wonderful collaborator and someone who was passionate about the artform of Cinematography. He was keen to embrace new technologies and idea while also ensuring the skills and crafts of those that came before him weren’t lost. To this end Dick would guest tutor at schools such as the National Film and Television School.
His latest film with Mike Leigh, Hard Truths premiered this year and was recently show at the London Film Festival.
Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this difficult time.
Repost | @bscine

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Associação de Imagem cinema-televisão Portuguesa

Fundada em 2 de junho de 1998
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